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As long as the New World Order continues to railroad its end game towards a one-world government with a one-world debt-based currency, we must make sure NOT to play ball by being sheeple.

But I’ve done my ‘monetary reform‘ bit to address dishonest money as the cause of creating dishonest behaviour and dishonest people.

Now I am focussing on victims of those white collar criminals who can’t get enough and thus express their corruption and avarice by covering their crimes up, only to keep their jobs and pensions.

Publicity is the very soul of justice.It is the surest of all ugards against improbity. It keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial – said Jeremy Bentham ages ago.

On this photo is Maurice J Kirk BBSc in 1984 by his veterinary surgery in Guernsey. Already then had he realised what he continues to battle with: the absence of ethics and lack of conscience in those “entrusted to administrate the Law”.

But what do you do when you realise that judges do wrong things and sanction wrong-doings?

You keep asking yourself:

  • who controls the controllers?
  • who regulates the regulators?
  • who manages the managers?
  • who directs the directors?
  • who judges the judges?

And thus I shall try to assemble under Publicity Online what I publish in disparate blogs – mainly because of The untold story of gagging orders. For as long as I care for my mum in Germany, I am outside the jurisdiction of the UK.

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